Results for 'Edward Barnes Rackley'

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  1.  39
    Un lit pour la nuit. L'humanitaire en crise.Edward B. Rackley - 2003 - Multitudes 2 (2):189-193.
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    Humanitaire et pouvoir au Kosovo.Edward B. Rackley & Eric Dachy - 2001 - Multitudes 1 (1):205-208.
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    Manager le déplacement.Edward B. Rackley - 2000 - Multitudes 3 (3):226-231.
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    Notes and Correspondance.Harry Barnes, George Sarton & Edward Kremers - 1929 - Isis 12 (1):149-151.
  5.  35
    A Functional Contextual Account of Background Knowledge in Categorization: Implications for Artificial General Intelligence and Cognitive Accounts of General Knowledge.Darren J. Edwards, Ciara McEnteggart & Yvonne Barnes-Holmes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:745306.
    Psychology has benefited from an enormous wealth of knowledge about processes of cognition in relation to how the brain organizes information. Within the categorization literature, this behavior is often explained through theories of memory construction called exemplar theory and prototype theory which are typically based on similarity or rule functions as explanations of how categories emerge. Although these theories work well at modeling highly controlled stimuli in laboratory settings, they often perform less well outside of these settings, such as explaining (...)
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  6. The $400 Bomb.Edward Barnes - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co..
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    Hent de vries and Samuel Weber: Violence, identity, and self-determination. [REVIEW]Edward B. Rackley - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (1):95-102.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Harry Elmer Barnes, Edward Kremers, George Sarton, T. L. Davis & Lynn Thorndike - 1928 - Isis 10 (1):47-58.
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    Varsity medical ethics debate 2018: constant health monitoring - the advance of technology into healthcare.Chris Gilmartin, Edward H. Arbe-Barnes, Michael Diamond, Sasha Fretwell, Euan McGivern, Myrto Vlazaki & Limeng Zhu - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):12.
    The 2018 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: “This house believes that the constant monitoring of our health does more harm than good”. This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge is now in its tenth year. This year’s debate was hosted at the Oxford Union on 8th of February 2018, with Oxford winning for the Opposition, and was the catalyst for the collation and expansion of ideas in this paper.New technological devices have the (...)
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    Notes and Correspondence.Harry Barnes, Edward Kremers, George Sarton, E. H. & T. Davis - 1928 - Isis 10:47-58.
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    Paracelsus. [REVIEW]Edward Rackley - 1999 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 21 (2):255-260.
    Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, or Paracelsus, was a renowned physician and naturalist, reformer of Galenic medicine, and violent opponent of scholasticism. His writings and teachings were contemporaneous with the Lutheran reformation and the northern Renaissance humanism of Cornelius Agrippa and Erasmus. Paracelsus’s rejection of ancient wisdom and the classicist philology of his day as viable avenues of knowledge, however, contradicts the Renaissance humanist epithet sometimes associated with him. Though traditionally painted as a “lonely genius” and a “martyr of (...)
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    The Encyclopedia of Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Edward B. Rackley - 2000 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (1):333-340.
    Though available for some time, this specialized Encyclopedia has received relatively scant attention in the philosophical press. Husserl Studies and Alter have printed in-depth reviews, but the concision and probity of the 166 entries comprising the volume, authored by leading specialists from the increasingly international phenomenological movement, merits further assessment. Under the direction of chief editor Lester Embree of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and ten assistant editors, the Encyclopedia is the product of a five-year gestation period of (...)
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    Evaluation of a service development to increase detection of urinary tract infections in children.Anne Marie Cunningham, Adrian Edwards, Kate Verrier Jones, Kate Bourdeaux, Jane Willock & Rosemary Barnes - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (1):73-76.
  14.  47
    The 10th Oxbridge varsity medical ethics debate-should we fear the rise of direct-to-consumer genetic testing?Christian Michael Armstrong Holland, Edward Harry Arbe-Barnes, Euan Joseph McGivern & Ruairidh Mungo Connor Forgan - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):14.
    In an increasingly data-driven age of medicine, do companies that offer genetic testing directly to patients represent an important part of personalising care, or a dangerous threat to privacy? Should we celebrate this new mechanism of patient involvement, or fear its implications?The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge addressed these issues in the 10th annual Medical Ethics Varsity Debate, through the motion: “This House Regrets the Rise of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing”. This article summarises and extends key arguments made in the debate, (...)
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    Some Main Problems of Philosophy. By George Edward Moore. London: George Allen ' Unwin Ltd. 1953. Pp. xii + 380.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (119):362-.
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    Varsity Medical Ethics Debate 2015: should nootropic drugs be available under prescription on the NHS?Emma Thorley, Isaac Kang, Stephanie D’Costa, Myrto Vlazaki, Olaoluwa Ayeko, Edward H. Arbe-Barnes & Casey B. Swerner - 2016 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 11:6.
    The 2015 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: “This house believes nootropic drugs should be available under prescription”. This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, now in its seventh year, provided the starting point for arguments on the subject. The present article brings together and extends many of the arguments put forward during the debate. We explore the current usage of nootropic drugs, their safety and whether it would be beneficial to individuals and (...)
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  17. Porphyry's Rational Animals: Why Barnes' Appeal to Non-Specific Predication is a Non-Starter.G. Fay Edwards - 2014 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 59 (1):22-43.
    In Book 3 of 'On Abstinence from Animal Food', Porphyry is traditionally taken to be arguing in favour of the belief that animals are rational. However, elsewhere in his corpus, he endorses the opposite view, declaring that man differs from other mortal animals because he is rational and they are irrational. Jonathan Barnes offers a way of understanding Porphyry’s logical theory which is intended to make it consistent with the traditional interpretation of 'On Abstinence'. He suggests that the same (...)
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    The Public Life of a Woman of Wit and Quality: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Vogue for Smallpox Inoculation.Diana Barnes - 2012 - Feminist Studies 38 (2):330-62.

    During a smallpox epidemic in April 1721, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu asked Dr. Charles Maitland to "engraft" her daughter, thus instigating the first documented inoculation for smallpox (_Variola_ virus) in England. Engrafting, or variolation, was a means of conferring immunity to smallpox by placing pus taken from a smallpox pustule under the skin of an uninfected person to create a local infection. The introduction of infectious viral matter, however, could trigger fullblown smallpox, and the practice was controversial for both this (...)

    Montagu’s pioneering role in the smallpox debate is undoubtedly significant: she instigated the first smallpox inoculation on English soil, and she was largely responsible for making the practice acceptable in elite circles. My interest in this essay is in the nature and significance of Montagu’s reputation as an inoculation pioneer. I will argue that her reputation was based on the particular combination of her social position as a Whig and an aristocratic woman; her interest in progressive and enlightened forms of social, political, and scientific thought; her standing in influential literary circles; and, not least, the force of her own personality. In broad terms, I offer Montagu’s involvement in the smallpox debate as a case study in a new kind of public role becoming available to elite women in the early eighteenth century — a role that caused considerable discomfort among her peers and in the medical community, and one that stimulated a widespread controversy in print publications of the day. (shrink)
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    Essays on Late Antiquity S. Swain, M. Edwards (edd.): Approaching Late Antiquity. The Transformation from Early to Late Empire . Pp. xiv + 487, map, ills, colour pls. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Cased, £75. ISBN: 0-19-926714-. [REVIEW]T. D. Barnes - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):638-.
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    Distinction between Informant and Source of Information; its nature and point. Application to putative ‘knowledge without belief’ cases; and to comparativism: Goldman.Edward Craig - 1990 - In Knowledge and the State of Nature. Presses Universitaires de France.
    The author distinguishes between informants and sources of information, and argues that the concept of knowledge is tied to the former and not the latter. The distinction is then used to cast light on the necessity of the belief condition for knowledge and on comparativism, the view that a person might be said to know p in circumstances in which the alternative is q, but not to know p if the alternatives include r. Goldman's famous papier‐mâché barn thought experiment is (...)
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  21. She Came to Stay and Being and Nothingness.Edward Fullbrook - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (4):50-69.
    This essay, using works by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hazel Barnes, and Elizabeth Fallaize, documents the correspondence between the philosophical content of Beauvoir's She Came to Stay and Sartre's Being and Nothingness. After reviewing the existential/phenomenological philosophical method, this paper examines the two philosophers’ letters and diaries to show that Beauvoir wrote her book before Sartre wrote his and that the distinctive ideas and arguments the two works share originated with Beauvoir.
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    Irrational Animals in Porphyry’s Logical Works: A Problem for the Consensus Interpretation of On Abstinence.G. Fay Edwards - 2014 - Phronesis 59 (1):22-43.
    In book 3 of On Abstinence from Animal Food, Porphyry is traditionally taken to argue that animals are rational and that it is, therefore, unjust to kill them for food. Since the vast majority of scholars endorse this interpretation, I call it ‘the consensus interpretation’. Yet, strangely enough, elsewhere in his corpus Porphyry claims that the non-human animals are irrational. Jonathan Barnes notices this discrepancy and suggests that an appeal to the distinction between specific and non-specific predication can resolve (...)
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  23.  66
    A History of Political Theories: Recent TimesWilliam Archibald Dunning Charles Edward Merriam Harry Elmer Barnes.T. V. Smith - 1925 - International Journal of Ethics 35 (3):312-315.
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    Behavior therapy: scientific, philosophical, and moral foundations.Edward Erwin - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Edward Erwin's clear analysis addresses some of the fundamental questions on behavior therapy that remained in 1978, when this book was first published.
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    Descartes' Corporeal Ideas Hypothesis and the Origin of Scientific Psychology.Edward S. Reed - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):731 - 752.
    HISTORIANS of psychology are almost unanimously agreed on one point: that psychology is a relatively new science. There may be some disagreement as to when it started--with Weber, or Fechner, or Wundt, or James--but there is almost no dissent from the proposition that psychology as a scientific discipline is less than one and one-half centuries old. Many earlier writers are often discussed in histories of psychology, but invariably they are called speculators, or philosophers, as opposed to scientists. We believe that (...)
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  26.  81
    Mathematical Pluralism.Edward N. Zalta - 2024 - Noûs 58 (2):306-332.
    Mathematical pluralism can take one of three forms: (1) every consistent mathematical theory consists of truths about its own domain of individuals and relations; (2) every mathematical theory, consistent or inconsistent, consists of truths about its own (possibly uninteresting) domain of individuals and relations; and (3) the principal philosophies of mathematics are each based upon an insight or truth about the nature of mathematics that can be validated. (1) includes the multiverse approach to set theory. (2) helps us to understand (...)
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    Converts to the Real: Catholicism and the Making of Continental Philosophy.Edward Baring - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    In the middle decades of the twentieth century phenomenology grew from a local philosophy in a few German towns into a movement that spanned Europe. In Converts to the Real, Edward Baring uncovers an unexpected force behind this prodigious growth: Catholicism. Participating in a tightly-knit transnational community, Catholics helped shuttle ideas between national traditions that were otherwise inward-looking and parochial. In the first half of the twentieth century, they wrote many of the first articles and books introducing phenomenological ideas (...)
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  28. The Mind of God and the Works of Man.Edward Craig - 1987 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Seeking to rediscover the connection between philosophy as studied in universities and those general views of man and reality which are 'philosophy' to the educated layman, Edward Craig here offers a view of philosophy and its history since the early seventeenth century. He presents this period as concerned primarily with just two visions of the essential nature of man. One portrays human beings as made in the image of God, required to resemble him as far as lies in our (...)
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  29. Testimony and the Value of Knowledge.Martin Kusch - 2009 - In Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), Epistemic value. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 60--94.
    This chapter gives substance to the idea of a ‘communitarian value-driven epistemology’ by developing and combining ideas from Edward Craig's and Bernard Williams' ‘epistemic genealogy’ and Barry Barnes' and Steven Shapin's ‘sociology of knowledge’. In order to make transparent how this project might slot into more familiar, or more mainstream, projects, the paper maintains throughout a critical dialogue with Jon Kvanvig's position. The chapter is structured around an attempt to defend Craig's position against Kvanvig's criticisms: by treating the (...)
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    The EU General Data Protection Regulation: Implications for International Scientific Research in the Digital Era.Edward S. Dove - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):1013-1030.
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    Academic Capitalism.Edward J. Hackett - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):635-638.
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  32. The Nature of God: An Inquiry into Divine Attributes.Edward R. WIERENGA - 1989 - Religious Studies 28 (4):575-576.
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  33. Ramsey without Ethical Neutrality: A New Representation Theorem.Edward Elliott - 2017 - Mind 126 (501):1-51.
    Frank Ramsey's ‘Truth and Probability’ sketches a proposal for the empirical measurement of credences, along with a corresponding set of axioms for a representation theorem intended to characterize the preference conditions under which this measurement process is applicable. There are several features of Ramsey's formal system which make it attractive and worth developing. However, in specifying his measurement process and his axioms, Ramsey introduces the notion of an ethically neutral proposition, the assumed existence of which plays a key role throughout (...)
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    Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka.Edward F. Findlay - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    The first full exploration of the political thought of Jan Patocka, student of Husserl and Heidegger and mentor to Václav Havel.
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    Pure numerical Boolean syllogisms.Edward A. Hacker & William Tuthill Parry - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (4):321-324.
  36.  59
    A Critique of Social Contracts for Business.Edward J. Conry - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (2):187-212.
    This article evaluates the social contract theorizing of Professors Thomas DonaIdson, Thomas Dunfee and Michael Keeley. This theorizing is tested with G.E. Moore’s concept of moral authority, with moral psychology, and by managerial utility. Both strengths and weaknesses are found in the theories and the author concludes that while there is great potential, much work in theory development remains.
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    Familial genetic risks: how can we better navigate patient confidentiality and appropriate risk disclosure to relatives?Edward S. Dove, Vicky Chico, Michael Fay, Graeme Laurie, Anneke M. Lucassen & Emily Postan - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (8):504-507.
    This article investigates a high-profile and ongoing dilemma for healthcare professionals (HCPs), namely whether the existence of a (legal) duty of care to genetic relatives of a patient is a help or a hindrance in deciding what to do in cases where a patient’s genetic information may have relevance to the health of the patient’s family members. The English caseABC v St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust and othersconsidered if a duty of confidentiality owed to the patient and a putative duty (...)
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    Biobanks, Data Sharing, and the Drive for a Global Privacy Governance Framework.Edward S. Dove - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (4):675-689.
    Spurred by a confluence of factors, most notably the decreasing cost of high-throughput technologies and advances in information technologies, a number of population research initiatives have emerged in recent years. These include large-scale, internationally collaborative genomic projects and biobanks, the latter of which can be defined as an organized collection of human biological material and associated data stored for one or more research purposes. Biobanks are a key emerging research infrastructure, and those established as prospective research resources comprising biospecimens and (...)
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  39. Aristotle on Mathematical Objects.Edward Hussey - 1991 - Apeiron 24 (4):105 - 133.
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    Minding the Metaphor: The Elusive Character of Moral Disgust.Edward Royzman & Robert Kurzban - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):269-271.
    Aiming to circumvent metaphor-prone properties of natural language, Chapman, Kim, Susskind, and Anderson (2009) recently reported evidence for morally induced activation of the levator labii region (manifest as an upper lip raise and a nose wrinkle), also implicated in responding to bad tastes and contaminants. Here we point out that the probative value of this type of evidence rests on a particular (and heavily contested) account of facial movements, one which holds them to be “expressions” or automatic read-outs of internal (...)
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  41. Sensory experience and the foundations of knowledge.Edward Craig - 1976 - Synthese 33 (June):1-24.
  42. In Defence of the Law of Non-Contradiction.Edward N. Zalta - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The arguments of the dialetheists for the rejection of the traditional law of noncontradiction are not yet conclusive. The reason is that the arguments that they have developed against this law uniformly fail to consider the logic of encoding as an analytic method that can resolve apparent contradictions. In this paper, we use Priest [1995] and [1987] as sample texts to illustrate this claim. In [1995], Priest examines certain crucial problems in the history of philosophy from the point of view (...)
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    Stmctural similarity within and among languages.Edward P. Stabler & Edward L. Keenan - unknown
    Linguists rely on intuitive conceptions of structure when comparing expressions and languages. In an algebraic presentation of a language, some natural notions of similarity can be rigorously defined (e.g. among elements of a language, equivalence w.r.t. isomorphisms of the language; and among languages, equivalence w.r.t. isomorphisms of symmetry groups), but it tums out that slightly more complex and nonstandard notions are needed to capture the kinds of comparisons linguists want to make. This paper identihes some of the important notions of (...)
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  44. Polytheism and Individuality in the Henadic Manifold.Edward P. Butler - 2005 - Dionysius 23:83-103.
  45.  22
    On Plato's Timaeus, 49D4-E7.Edward N. Lee - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):1.
  46.  21
    Did Marx have an ethics?Mark Corner - 1986 - Heythrop Journal 27 (4):438–441.
    Signs and Wonders: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. By R.A. Anderson. Pp.xvii, 158, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1983, £4.25. Inheriting the Land: A Commentary on the Book of Joshua. By E. John Hamlin, Pp.xxiii, 207, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. Servant Theology: A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 40–55. By G.A.F. Knight. Pp.ix, 204, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. God's Chosen (...)
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    Setting Boundaries between Science and Law: Lessons from Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Edward J. Hackett & Shana M. Solomon - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (2):131-156.
    In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court made its first major pronouncement on the evaluation of scientific evidence, calling on judges to act as gatekeepers for scientific knowledge and validity, despite lack of scientific training among judges. Daubert offers the science studies community a case study for examining how judges engage in boundary-work and construct scientific validity. In constructing scientific validity under Daubert, judges must evaluate the scientific method behind a particular scientific claim, and will look (...)
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  48. Knowers talking about the known: Ecological realism as a philosophy of science.Edward S. Reed - 1992 - Synthese 92 (1):9-23.
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    The experimental method in biology.Edward Manier - 1969 - Synthese 20 (2):185 - 205.
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    Having Reasons: An Essay on Rationality and Sociality.Edward J. Green - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):28-33.
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